Laurence Rickels Online

Nazi Psychoanalysis

Excerpt 5

Only by restricting the frame to a small group of "analysts" (or "depth psychologists") at the institute - and taking them at their words - can one derive this sense of shutdown beyond all displacement. But in the big picture, Nazi Germany was a pop-psychological culture of all-out healing that followed the intrapsychic model even into those regions that had been declared off limits, set aside for management by sociology alone. By the 1940's the military-psychological complex worldwide was following the lead taken by the German colleagues through Freud's analysis of group psychology (the owner's manual to our ongoing technologization).

Anticipating or projecting more double take, talk, think along the lines of resistance I have already tripped up and over, a preemptive warning label might fit in here: this genealogical recontextualization of phantasm delegations and their institutional relays is not about laying the blame on Freud (or, better yet, on the Jews). Nor do I subscribe to any of the brands of new historicism, whether the German revisionist kind or the kinder and gentler version practiced in U.S. English departments. It might be more to the point to reconsider Freud's early model of the transference neurosis in the contexts I am excavating or deconstructing as the emergency of a side effect of treatment that at the same time inoculatively gets the psyche reorganized for the cure. At this discursive or institutional intersection the transference neurosis that my analysis-in-progress would construct covers contamination by and containment of the aberrant discontinuities and reactions that continue to give rise to the Nazi regime, the regimen to this day of "not seeing" the continuity that was there. Only the reconstruction of a "Nazi Psychoanalysis" can lead to a resettlement of symptoms within the suffer zone of a future cure. In addition, then, to the application of psychoanalysis to those symptomatic returns of a Nazi past that keep coming under the category of aberration and discontinuity, I have proposed staying with the direct connection between one of the most protected and progressive sources of our modernism and the outbreak of National Socialism, the connection lying therefore within the institution, discourse, and history of what I'm calling greater psychoanalysis but which precisely cannot be separated from psychoanalysis "itself."

Over again

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