Philosophers in France are enraged by a scandal-mongering review of a book accusing Heidegger of having "introduced Nazism into philosophy" - but somehow I cannot see this belated prosecuting of him (along with Carl Schmitt) for "thought crimes" as more than a publicity stunt... see Paroles des Jours
An electronic re-issue of Geoffrey Bennington's book Lyotard: Writing the Event (1988), and a new volume, Late Lyotard, are online at
The Symptom 6:
Jacques-Alain Miller, A and a in Clinical Structures
Stuart Schneiderman, Affects
Michel Silvestre, Conducting the Hysteric's Cure
Massimo Recalcati, Le tre esteriche di Lacan
Alain Badiou, The Subject of Art
Dominique Miller, Obsession: A Name of the Super-Ego
Slavoj Zizek, The Act and its Vicissitudes
Slavoj Zizek, Over the Rainbow Coalition!
Alessandro Cassin, "Butch" Morris Interview
Marco Focchi, The Indiscrete Language and the Unrepeatable
Ellie Ragland, Dora and the Name-of-the Father
Anna Shane, The Technique of Lacanian Psychoanalysis
Silvia Tendlarz, Asesinato en una Escuela
Geoffrey Bennington has made three recent publications available as Ebooks - they are Frontiers (26 seminars on Kant, Hegel, Frege, Wittgenstein), and two books about reading: Other Analyses (essays on reading as an event philosophy cannot register), and Open Book (essays on literary reading). These electronic books are rendered in PDF format. Get them online.
Les derniers mots de Jacques Derrida, que son fils Pierre fit entendre sur la tombe ouverte:

Mes amis, je vous remercie d'etre venus. Je vous remercie pour la chance de votre amitie. Ne pleure pas: souriez comme je vous aurai souri. Je vous benis. Je vous aime. Je vous souris, ou que je suis.
In addition to an archive of the live webcast (windows media format), individual mp3 files of each of the 18 presentations at the international conference "DEFENSE: Models, Strategies, Media" (UC Irvine, March 7-9, 2005) are now available online as a podcast. please note that while the webcast includes Q&A sessions, the mp3 files do not.
Jacques Derrida died at a Paris hospital of pancreatic cancer; he was 74.

Work on the section of this site dedicated to Derrida and related material will cease until further notice.
UPDATE re: Who?' Or 'What?' - Jacques Derrida: This conference, originally expected to be held at Irvine in October 2004, has been postponed indefinitely. Check back here for more information next year.

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