Selected works by

Avital Ronell

compilation in progress


    Stupidity. Chicago: Univ of Illinois Press 2001.

    Finitude's Score : Essays for the End of the Millennium (Texts and Contexts, Vol 8). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1998.

    Crack Wars: Literature, Addiction, Mania. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1993.

    Dictations: On Haunted Writing. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1993.

    Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1989.


    "On Pain." In: Thomas Pepper (Editor), John Mowitt (Editor), Catherine Liu (Editor). Dreams of Interpretation, Interpretation of Dreams. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, forthcoming.

    "The Uninterrogated Question of Stupidity." differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 8:2 (Summer 1996), 1-19.

    "Our Narcotic Modernity." In: Verena Andermatt Conley (Editor) and Peter Andermatt (Editor). Rethinking Technologies. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1993, xxx-xxx.

    "Support Our Tropes I: Reading Desert Storm." In: Frederick M. Dolan and Thomas L. Dumm (Editor). Rhetorical Republic: Governing Representations in American Politics. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 1993, 13-37.

    "Video/Television/Rodney King: Twelve Steps beyond the Pleasure Principle." differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 4:2 (1992), 1-15.

    "Support Our Tropes II (Or Why in Cyburbia There Are a Lot of Cowboys)." Yale Journal of Criticism 5 (Spring 1992), xxx-xxx

    "Opera and Technology: Scoring on the Telephone." 1-800 2 (Spring/Summer 1991), 40-45, 55, 63-65.

    "The Walking Switchboard." Substance 61 (1990), 75-94.

    "Namely, Eckerman." In: Laurence A. Rickels (Editor). Looking After Nietzsche (Suny Studies in Intersection : Philosophy and Critical Theory). New York: SUNY Press 1990, 233-257.

    "The Worst Neighborhoods of the Real: Philosophy-Telephone-Contamination." differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 1 (1989), 125-145.

    "Starting from Scratch: Mastermix." Socialist Review 18:2 (1988), 73-85.

    "The Differends of Man." diacritics 19 (Fall-Winter 1988), 63-75.

    "The Sujet Suppositaire: Freud and the Rat Man." In: Jonathan Culler. On Puns: The Foundation of Letters. Oxford: Basil Blackwell 1988, 115-139.

    "Hitting the Streets: Ecce Fama." Stanford Italian Review 6 (1988), 119-140.

    "Doing Kafka in the Castle: A Poetics of Desire." In: Alan Udoff (Editor). Kafka and the Contemporary Critical Performance: Centenary Readings. Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1987, 214-235.

    "Street Talk." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 11 (Fall 1986), 105-131.

    "Taking it Philosophically: Torquato Tasso's Women as Theorists." MLN 100 (April 1985) 599-631.

    "Goethezeit." In: Smith, Joseph H. (Editor) and William Kerrigan (Editor). Taking Chances : Derrida, Psychoanalysis, and Literature (Psychiatry and the Humanities, Vol 7). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1988, 146-182.

    "Sutura Goethei: L'Articulations Freud-Goethe." Cahiers Confrontation 12 (Autumn 1984), 131-140.

    "Queens of the Night: Nietzsche's Antibodies." Genre 16 (Winter 1983), 405-422.


    Jacques Derrida, Christie McDonald (Editor), Avital Ronell (Translator), Peggy Kamuf (Translator). The Ear of the Other: Autobiography, Transference, Translation. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1988.

    Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, "The Response of Ulysses." In: Eduardo Cadava, Peter Connor, and Jean-Luc Nancy. Who Comes After the Subject?. New York: Routledge 1991, 198-205.

    Jacques Derrida, "Devant la loi." In: Alan Udoff (Editor). Kafka and the Contemporary Critical Performance: Centenary Readings. Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1987, 128-149.

    Jacques Derrida, "A Peine." In: Jacques Derrida, Cecile Lindsay (Translator), Paul De Man (Photographer). Mèmoires: For Paul De Man. The Wellek Library Lectures at the University of California, Irvine. New York: Columbia University Press 1986

    Jacques Derrida, "All Ears: Nietzsche's Ontobiography." Yale French Studies 63 (1982), 245-250.

    Jacques Derrida, "The Law of Genre." Glyph: Textual Studies 7 (1980), 202-229.


    "Confessions of an Anocoluthon: Avital Ronell on Writing, Technology, Pedagogy, Politics." With D. Diane Davis. JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory. 20.2 (2000), 243-281.

    "Avital Ronell." With Alexander Laurence. AltX 1994, online.

    "Avital Ronell: On Hallucinogenres." With Gary Wolf. Mondo 2000. Issue No. 4.

    "Avital Ronell." With Andrea Juno. Re/Search: Angry Women 13 (1991), 127-153.

Also, consider visiting this profile of Ronell, online

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