Selected Journal Articles

on Derrida or Deconstruction

  • ABEL, L.: "Jacques Derrida: his 'Difference' with Metaphysics" Salgamundi 25 (1974).
  • ABRAMS, M.H.: "How to do Things with Texts" Partisan Review 46 (1979) 4.
  • ABRAMS, M.H.: "The Limits of Pluralism: the Deconstructive Angel" Critical Inquiry 3 (1977) 3.
  • ACIN, J: "Membra Disiecta" Delo 23 (1977) l.
  • AGOSTI, S.: "Coup sur coup". Préface a DERRIDA, J.: Éperons. Les styles de Nietzsche. Ed.cit.
  • AGOSTI, S.: recensión de L'écriture et la différence en Strumenti Critici 5 (1968) l.
  • ALLISON, D.B.: "Derrida's Critique of Husserl. The Philosophy of Presence" Dissertation Abstracts International 35 (1974-1975).
  • ALLISON, D.B.: "Destruktion/Deconstruction in the Text of Nietzsche" Boundary 2 8 (1979) l.
  • ALTIERI, C.F.: "Presence and Reference in a Literary Text: the Exemple of William's 'This is just to say'" Critical Inquiry 5 (1979).
  • ALTIERI, C.F.: "Wittgenstein on Conciousness and Language: a Challenge to Derridean Literary Theory" Modern Language Notes 9l (1976) 6.
  • ARGYROS, A.: "Daughters of the Desert" Diacritics 10 (1980) 3.
  • ARGYROS, A.: "The Question of Truth in Sartre, Heidegger and Derrida" Dissertation Abstracts International 38 (1977-1978).
  • ATKINS, G.D. & JOHNSON, M.L. (Eds.): Writing and Reading Differently: Deconstruction and the Teaching of Composition and Literature. Lawrence (Kansas), University Press of Kansas, 1985.
  • AVTONOMOVA, N.S.: Filosofiskie problemy strukturnovo analiza v gumanitarnyh naukah. Mosca, Nauka, 1977.
  • BANDERA, C.: "Literature and Desire" Mosaic 8 (1975) 2.
  • BARILLI, R.: Tra presenza e assenza. Due modeli culturali in conflitto. Milano, Bompiani, 1974.
  • BASS, A.: "'Literature'/literature" MACKSEY, R. (Ed.): Velocities of Change. Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press, 1974.
  • BATIST, G: "Ancora un confronto tra poetare e pensiare? Derrida e Celan tra Hegel, Hölderlin e Heidegger". Paradigmi. Rivista di Critica Filosofica. XV, n. 43 (Gennaio-Aprile 1997).
  • BAYNES, K y otros (Ed.): After Philosophy. End or Transformation?. Cambridge (Massachusetts), The MIT Press, 1987.
  • BEIGBEDER, M.: Contradiction et nouvel entendement. Paris, Bordas, 1972.
  • BENHABIB, S.: "Democracy & Difference: Reflections on the Metapolitics of Lyotard & Derrida", The Journal of Political Philosophy, vol. 2, nº 1 (March-1994).
  • BENNINGTON, G.: "Theory: They or We?", Paragraph 1 (1983).
  • BENNINGTON, G.: "Towards a Criticism of the Future", D. Wood (ed.): Writing the Future. Londres, Routledge, 1990.
  • BENNINGTON. G.: "Spirit's, Spirit, Spirits, Spirit", D. Wood (ed.): Of Derrida, Heidegger and Spirit (ed. cit.)
  • BENOIST, J.M.: "Le Colosse de Rhodes: quelques remarques à propos de Glas de Jacques Derrida" L'Art Vivant 54 (1974-1975).
  • BENOIST, J.M.: "The End of Structuralism" Twentieth Century Review 3 (May 1970).
  • BENOIST, J.M.: "L'inscription de Derrida" La Quinzaine Littéraire 182 (l-15 Mars 1974).
  • BENOIST, J.M.: "Présence de Husserl" Études Philosophiques 4 (1969).
  • BENOIST, J.M.: La révolution structurale. Paris, Bernard Grasset, 1975.
  • BERMAN, A.: From the new criticism to deconstruction. Univ. Press of Illinois, 1988.
  • BERNASCONI, R.: "The transformation of Language at another Beginning", Research in Phenomenology 13 (1983).
  • BERNASCONI, R.: "Deconstruction and Scholarship", Man and World 21 nº 2 (1988).
  • BERNET, R.: "Is the present ever present? Phenomenology and Metaphysics of present", Research in Phenomenology 12 (1982).
  • BERNS, E.E.: "De Grammatologie van Jacques Derrida" Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij Wetenschap 19 (1978-1979).
  • BERNS, E.E.: Denken in Parijs: Taal Lacan, Foucault, Althusser, Derrida. Bruxelles, Samson, 1979.
  • BERTHERAT,Y.: "Compte-rendu de L'écriture et la différence" en Esprit, Octobre 1972.
  • BEYSSADE, J. M.: "Mais quoi ce sont des fous", Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 1973.
  • BOGEL,F.V.:"Deconstructive Criticism: the Logic of Derrida's Différance" Centrum 6 (1978) l.
  • BOOTH, W.: Critical Understanding: the Powers and Limits of Pluralism. University of Chicago Press, 1979.
  • BOUCHARD:"Le signe saussurien et la métaphysique occidentale selon Jacques Derrida" The Canadian Journal of Research in Semiotics 6 (1978-1979) l-2.
  • BOUTOT, A.: J.Derrida: De l'esprit, Annuaire philosophique, 1987-88. Paris, Seuil, 1988.
  • BOYER, Ph.: L'écarté(e) (Fiction théorique). Paris, Seghers/Laffont, 1973.
  • BOYNE, R.: "Alcibiades as Hero: Derrida/Nietzsche?", en Sub-stance 28 (1981).
  • BRENKMAN, J.: "The Other and the One: Psychoanalysis, Reading" Yale French Studies 55/56 (1977).
  • BROADBENT, G.: Deconstruction: a student guide. London, Academy, 1991.
  • BROEKMAN, J.M.: El estructuralismo. Trad. Cl. Gancho. Barcelona, Herder, 1974.
  • BROWN, P.L.: "Epistemology and Method: Althusser, Foucault, Derrida" Cultural Hermeneutics 3 (1975-1976).
  • BRUETTING, R.: "Écriture" und "Texte". Die Französische Literaturtheorie "nach dem Strukturalismus". Kritik traditioneller Positionen und Neuansätze. Bonn, Bouvier/H.Grundmann, 1976.
  • BUTLER, Ch.: Interpretation, deconstruction and ideology. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1984.
  • CACCIARI, M. & CIAMPA, M.: "Sul fundamento. Nietzsche letto da Derrida" Il Centauro l (1981).
  • CAHEN, D.: "Faux-tableau: investiture/peinture" Critique 390 (1979).
  • CAMPBELL, C.: "Deconstruction and all that, from Yale's Critical Jungle" Herald Tribune 14-2-1986.
  • CAPUTO, J. D.: "Three transgressions: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida", Research in Phenomenology 15 (1985).
  • CAPUTO, J. H.: "Hermeneutics as recovery of Man", B. R. WAECHTERHAUSER (ed.): Hermeneutics and Modern Philosophy", SUNY Press, 1986.
  • CARROL, D.: "History as Writing" Clio 7 (1978).
  • CARROLL, D.: The Subject in Question. The University of Chicago Press, 1982.
  • CASCARDI, A.J.: "Skepticism and Deconstruction" Philosophy and Literature 8 (1984).
  • CASEY, E.: "Derrida's Deconstruction of Heidegger's view on Temporality", Phenomenology of Temporality: Time and Language, Pittsburg, 1987.
  • CASTELLANA, M.: "Il post-strutturalismo di Jacques Derrida" en Il Protagora l05-l08 (1976).
  • CATESSON, J.: "A propos d'une pensée de l'intervalle" Revue de métaphysique et de morale 74 (Janvier-Mars 1969) l.
  • CAVELL, S.: Philosophical Passages: Wittgenstein, Emerson, Austin, Derrida. Oxford, Blackwell, 1995.
  • CESCO, S.: "Jacques Derrida: per una critica allo strutturalismo" Annali-Scuola Superiore delle Communicazioni Sociali l-2 (1976).
  • CHAMPAGNE, R.A.: "The Resurrection of Thoth, the God of Writing" Centrum 2 (1974) l.
  • CHATELET, F.: "Mort du livre?" La Quinzaine Littéraire 37 (15-31 Octobre 1967).
  • CHATELET, F.: "Qui est Jacques Derrida? La métaphysique dans sa clôture", Le Nouvel Observateur (nov
  • dic 1968).
  • CLEMENS, E.: "Sur Derrida: alternances et dédoublement" TXT 5 (1972).
  • COQ, G.: "Compte-rendu de Qui a peur de la philosophie? et États Généraux de la Philosophie" Esprit 2 (1980).
  • CULLER, J.: "Jacques Derrida" STURROCK, J. (Ed.): Structuralism and Since. From Lévi-Strauss to Derrida. Oxford University Press, 1979.
  • CULLER, J.: "Meaning and Convention: Derrida and Austin" New Literary History 13 (1981).
  • CULLER, J.: The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1981.
  • CULLER, J.: "Structuralism and Grammatology' Boundary 2 8 (1979) l.
  • CULLER, J.: La poética estructuralista. Barcelona, Anagrama, 1978.
  • CUMMING, R.D.: "The Odd Couple: Heidegger and Derrida" The Review of Metaphysics. A philosophical Quarterly 34 n.3 (March 1981) 135.
  • DALMASSO, G.: "Logo e scrittura in Derrida" Contributi dell'Instituto di Filosofia 2 (1972).
  • DALMASSO, G.: El lugar de la ideología. Por una lectura no burguesa de Marx, Freud, Althusser, Tel Quel, Derrida y el neo-marxismo. Madrid, Zero-Zyx, 1978.
  • DANTO, A.C.: "Writing and its Spokesman" The Times Literary Supplement, 30-9-1983.
  • DAUENHAUER, B.P.: "On Speech and Temporality. Jacques Derrida and Edmund Husserl" Philosophy Today 18 (Fall 1974) 3-4.
  • DAUENHAUER, B.P.: Silence. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1980.
  • DEGUY,M.: "Husserl seconde lecture" Critique 192 (1963).
  • DELACAMPAGNE, Ch.: "Derrida hors de soi" Critique 325 (1974).
  • DESCAMPS, Ch.: Les idées philosophiques contemporaines en France. Paris, Bordas, 1986.
  • DESCOMBES, V.: "Derrida", V. Descombes: Le même et l'autre. Quarante-cinq ans de philosophie française (1933-1978). Paris, Minuit, 1979.
  • DONATO, E.: "'Here, now'/'always, already': Incidentals Remarks on some recent Characterizations of the Text" Diacritics 6 (1976) 3.
  • DUCHESNEAU, F.: "Compte-rendu de L'archéologie du frivole" en Dialogue 14 (1975).
  • DUFRENNE, M.: "Pour une philosophie non théologique' Le poétique. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1973.
  • EAGLETON, T.: "Marxism and Deconstruction" Contemporary Literature (Fall, 1981).
  • ECO, U.: La estructura ausente. Introducción a la semiótica. Trad. F. Serra Cantarell. Barcelona, Lumen, 1975.
  • ECO, U.: Semiotica e filosofia del linguaggio. Torino, Einaudi, 1984.
  • EGEBAK, N.: "Mimesisproblematikken hos Jacques Derrida" en KNUDSEN, N.L. & OLSEN, O.A. (Eds.): Subject og Tekst. Kongerslev, GMT, 1974.
  • EGEBAK, N.: Tekst og Okonomi. Viborg, Arena, 1976.
  • EHRMAN, J.: "Sur le jeu et l'origine" Sub-Stance 7 (1973).
  • EIMER, D.: Dekonstruktivistische Tendenzen/Deconstructivist Tendencies -Paper Art 6. Ostfildern-Ruit, Cantz, 1996.
  • ERIBON, D.: "Jacques Derrida et la question de l'amitié. L'affaire de Man" Le Nouvel Observateur 1250 (21-27 Octobre 1988).
  • ESPOSITO, R.: "Conflitto/differenza/contraddizione" Almanach de Shakespeare and Co. 2 (1975).
  • FAVALE, C.: "La linguistica strutturale e J. Derrida" Il Protagora 80-81 (1972).
  • FELMAN, S.: La folie et la chose littéraire. Paris, Seuil, 1978.
  • FELPERIN, H.: Beyond Deconstruction: the Uses and Abuses of Literary Theory. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1985.
  • FERGUSON, F.C.: "Reading Heidegger: Jacques Derrida and Paul de Man" SPANOS, W.V.: Martin Heidegger and the Question of Literature. Toward a Postmodern Literary Hermeneutics. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1979.
  • FERRARIS, M.: "Derrida et l'ontologia della scrittura" en Differeze, la filosofia francese dopo lo strutturalismo, Milán, Multhipla, 1981.
  • FERRARIS, M.: Tracce. Nichilismo moderno postmoderno. Milano, Multhipla, 1983.
  • FERRARIS, M.: "Note su deconstruzione e metodo" Rivista di Estetica 17 (1984).
  • FERRARIS, M.: La svolta testuale. Pavia, Cluep, 1984.
  • FERRARIS, M.: "Note. Habermas, Foucault, Derrida", Aut, Aut 208 (julio-agosto 1985).
  • FERRARIS, M.: "Gadamer e Derrida: l'arternativa tra dialogo e scritura", Eutopías 4 (primavera 1986).
  • FERRARIS, M.: "Heidegger e il male dello spirito", Alfabeta 106 (feb
  • 1988).
  • FERRARIS, M.: "Classico Derrida", L'indice 9 (1990).
  • FISCHER, M.: Does Deconstruction Make Any Difference?. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1985.
  • FISH, S.: "With the Compliments of the Author: Reflections on Austin and Derrida", Critical Inquiry 8 (1982) 4.
  • FONTAINE-DE VISSCHER, L.: "Des privilèges d'une grammatologie" Revue philosophique de Louvain 67 (1969) 95.
  • FOUCAULT, M.: "Mon corps, ce papier, ce feu (Appendices II)" en Histoire de la folie à l'âge classique. Paris, Gallimard, 1972.
  • FRANCK,M.: "Eine fundamental-semiologische Herausforderung der abendländische Wissenschaft" Philosophische Rundschau 23 (1976) l-2.
  • FRANCK, M.: Das Sagbare und das Unsagbare: Studien zur neuesten französischen Hermeneutik und Texttheorie. Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1980.
  • FROW, J.: "Foucault and Derrida" Raritan 5 (1985) 1.
  • FYNSK, Ch.: "A Decelebration of Philosophy" Diacritics 8 (1978) 2.
  • GADAMER, H. G.: "Et pourtant: puissance de la bonne volonté", en Revue Internationale de Philosophie 151 (1984).
  • GADAMER H. G.: "Destrucción y deconstrucción", H. G. Gadamer: Verdad y Método II, Madrid, Cristiandad, 1993.
  • GARELLI, J.: "L'écart du maintenant et l'extension de l'esprit" Les Temps Modernes 281 (1969).
  • GARELLI, J.: "Le flux et l'instant" Les Temps Modernes 283 (1970).
  • GASCHÉ, R.: "Deconstruction as Criticism" Glyph 6 (1979).
  • GASCHÉ, R.: "Eterologia e decostruzione", Rivista di Estetica 17 (1984).
  • GASCHÉ, R.: "On Re-presentation, or zigzaging with Husserl and Derrida", The Southern Journal of Philosophy 32 (supl. 1994).
  • GELLEY, A.: "Form as Force" Diacritics 2 (1972) l.
  • GIOVANNANGELI, G.: "Code et différence impure", Littérature 12 (dic
  • 1973).
  • GIOVANNANGELI, G.: "Jacques Derrida. Une pensée de la répétition" Annales de l'Institut de Philosophie (1976).
  • GIOVANNANGELI, G.: "Pour ne pas mourir de la vérité (Derrida écrit sur la peinture)", Cahiers internationaux de Symbolisme 37-38 (1979).
  • GIOVANNANGELI, G.: "La phénoménologie partagée. Remarques sur Sartre et Derrida", Les Études philosophiques 2 (1992).
  • GIRARD, R.: "Lévi-Strauss, Frye, Derrida and Shakespeare Criticism" Diacritics 3 (1973) 3.
  • GRANEL, G.: "Jacques Derrida ou la rature de l'origine" en Critique 246 (1967).
  • GRENE, M.: Philosophy in and out of Europe. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1976.
  • GROTZER, P.: "Die Sprache, nicht das Ich (be)deutet" en Schweizer Monatshefte 5O (1970-197l).
  • GUIBAL, F.: "Philosophie, langage, écriture" Études 5 (1972).
  • HABERMAS, J.: "Ueberbietung der temporalisierten Ursprungsphilosophie: Derridas Kritik am Phonozentrismus" Der philosophische Diskurs der Moderne. Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1985.
  • HANS, J.S.: "Derrida and Freeplay" Modern Language Notes 84 (1979) 4.
  • HANS, J.S.: "Hermeneutics, Play, Deconstruction" Philosophy Today 24 (Winter 1980).
  • HARARI, J.V.: "Critical Factions/critical Fictions" HARARI, J.V. (Ed.): Textual Strategies: Perspectives in post-structuralist Criticism. London, Methuen, 1979.
  • HARTMAN, G.H.: Criticism in the Wilderness. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1980.
  • HARTMAN, G.H.: "Crossing over: Literary Commentary as Literature" Comparative Literature 28 (Summer 1976) 3.
  • HARTMAN, G.H.: "Monsieur Texte: on Jacques Derrida, his 'Glas'" The Georgia Review 29 (Winter 1975) 4.
  • HARTMAN, G.H.: "Monsieur Texte II: Epiphony in Echoland" The Georgia Review 3O (Spring 1976) l.
  • HARVEY, I.: "Derrida and the concept of Metaphysics", en Research in Phenomenology 13 (1983).
  • HAWKES, T.: Structuralism and Semiotics. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977.
  • HEATH, S.: "On Derrida" Canto (1977).
  • HENNING, E.M.: "Foucault and Derrida: Archaelogy and Deconstruction", Stanford French Review 5 (1981) 2.
  • HOTTOIS, G.: "Grammatologie, écriture", G. Hottois: Pour une Métaphilosophie du Langage, Paris, Vrin, 1981.
  • HOY, D.C.: The Critical Circle: Literature and History in Contemporary Hermeneutics. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1978.
  • HOY, D.C.: "Deciding Derrida: on the Work (and Play) of the French Philosopher" London Review of Books 4 (February/March 1982) 3.
  • HOY, D.C.: "Forgetting the Text: Derrida's Critique of Heidegger" Boundary 2 8 (1979) 1.
  • IRIGARAY, L.: "Le vi(o)l de la lettre" Tel Quel 39 (1969).
  • JABES, E.: Ça suit son cours. Montpellier, Fata Morgana, 1975.
  • JAMESON, F.: La cárcel del lenguaje. Perspectiva crítica del estructuralismo y del formalismo ruso. Trad. C. Manzano. Barcelona, Ariel, 1980.
  • JAMESON, F.: The Political Unconscious. London, Methuen, 1980.
  • JOHNSON, B.: The Critical Difference: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Reading. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980.
  • JOHNSON, B.: "The Frame of Reference: Poe, Lacan, Derrida" en HARTMAN, G.H. (Ed.): Psychoanalysis and the Question of the Text. Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press, 1978.
  • JONSON, P. y WIGLEY, M. (eds.): Deconstructivist Architecture. New York, MoMa, 1988.
  • KEMP, P.: "L'éthique au lendemain des victoires des athéismes" La Revue de théologie et de philosophie 111 (1979).
  • KIMMERLE, H.: "Wege der Kritik an der Metaphysik" -: L'héritage de Kant. Paris, B.A.P.
  • KITTLER, F.A. (Ed.): Austreibung des Geistes aus den Geisteswissenschaften. Programme des Poststrukturalismus. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 1980.
  • KLEIN, R.: "The Blindness of Hyperboles: the Ellipses of Insight" Diacritics 3 (1973) 2.
  • KLEIN, R.: "Prolegomenon to Derrida" Diacritics 2 (1972) 4.
  • KNUDSEN, N.L.: "Dialektik og overskridelse (Hegel, Bataille, Derrida)" KNUDSEN, N.L. & OLSEN, O.A. (Eds.): Subject og Tekst. Ed. cit.
  • KRIEGER, M.: "Poetics reconstructed: the Presence of the Poem" New Literary History 7 (1976) 2.
  • LA CAPRA, F.: "Habermas and the Grounding of critical Theory" en History and Theory. Studies in the Philosophy of History 16 (1977).
  • LACOUE-LABARTHE, Ph.: L'imitation des modernes. Paris, Galilée, 1986.
  • LACOUE-LABARTHE, Ph.: Le sujet de la philosophie. Paris, Aubier, 1979.
  • LACOUE-LABARTHE, Ph.: "Theatrum analyticum", Glyph 3 (1977).
  • LACROIX, J.: "Écriture et métaphysique selon Derrida" en -: Panorama de la philosophie française contemporaine. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
  • LAMIZET, B. & NEF, F.: "Entrave double: le glas et la chute (Sur Glas de Derrida)" Gramma 2 (1975).
  • LANGE, W.D. (Ed.): Französische Literaturkritik der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Stuttgart, Kröner, 1975.
  • LARUELLE, F.: Les philosophies de la différence. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1986.
  • LARUELLE, F.: "La scène du vomi ou comment ça se détraque dans la théorie" Critique 347 (1976).
  • LARUELLE, F.: "Le style di-phallique de Jacques Derrida" en Critique 334 (1975).
  • LAWSON, H.: "Derrida", H. Lawson: Reflexivity. the Postmodern Predicament, Londres, 1985.
  • LEAVEY, J.:"Derrida and Dante" Modern Language Notes 9l (1976) l.
  • LEAVEY, J.: "Jacques Derrida's Glas: a Translated Selection and Some Comments on an Absent Colossus" Clio 11 (1982).
  • LEITHC, V.: Deconstructive criticism: an advanced introduction. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1983.
  • LEITCH, V.: "Derrida's assault on the institution of Style", en J. M. Heath y M. Payne (eds.): Text, Interpretation, Theory, Bucknell Univ. Press, 1985.
  • LENTRICCHIA, F.: After the New Criticism. London, Athlone, 1980.
  • LEVESQUE, Cl.: "L'écriture de la copule" Études littéraires 9 (1976).
  • LEVESQUE, Cl.: L'étrangeté du texte. Essai sur Nietzsche, Freud, Blanchot et Derrida. Paris, Union Générale d'Éditions, 1978.
  • LEVY, B.H.: "Derrida n'est pas un gourou" Le magazine littéraire 88 (Mai 1974).
  • LISSE, M.: "Le motif de la déconstruction et ses portées politiques", Tidjschrift voor filosofie 2 (jun
  • 1990).
  • LOGAN, M.R.: "Graphesis..." Yale French Studies 52 (1975).
  • LLEWELYN, J.: "Levinas, Derrida, and others 'vis-à-vis'", en Beyond Metaphysics? The hermeneutic's circle in contemporary continental philosophers, Humanities Press. 1985.
  • LLEWELYN, J.: "Derrida. The origin and end of Philosophy", H. Silverman: Philosophy and non-philosophy since Merleau Ponty. continental Philosophers. I, Routledge, 1988.
  • MAC DONALD, C.: "Jacques Derrida's Reading of Rousseau" The Eighteenth Century 20 (1979).
  • MAC DONALD, C.: "Derrida and Pirandello: a post-structuralist Analysis of Six characters in Search of an Author" Modern Drama 20 (1977) 4.
  • MAC LAUGHLIN, K.B.: "Reading Anew. A Study of critical Methods through the Text of Derrida" Dissertation Abstracts International 36 (1975-76).
  • MACANN, C.: "Jacques Derrida's Theory of Writing and the Concept of Trace" The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 3 (1972)
  • MALMBERG, B.: "Derrida et la sémiologie: quelques notes marginales" Semiotics ll (1974)
  • DE MAN, P.: "De la grammatologie de Jacques Derrida" Annales de la Société Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1969).
  • DE MAN, P.: "Rhétorique de la cécité: Derrida lecteur de Rousseau" Poétique 4 (1970) (English as Blindness and Insight. London, Methuen, 1983).
  • MARGOLIS, J.: "Deconstruction: or, the Mystery of the Mystery of the Text" Rivista di estetica 14-15 (1983).
  • MARGOLIS, J.: "How to theorize about Texts at the present Time: Deconstruction and its Victims" Rivista di estetica 17 (1985).
  • MARION, J.L.: L'idole et la distance. Paris, Grasset, 1977.
  • MASON, P.: Deconstructing America: representations of the other. London, Routledge, 1990.
  • MASSEY, I.: The uncreating Word. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1970.
  • McCARTHY, T.: "La política de lo inefable: el deconstruccionismo de Derrida", T. McCarthy: Ideales e ilusiones, Madrid, Tecnos, 1992.
  • MECCHIA, R.: "L'interpretazzione della linguistica saussuriana e la duplice nozione di 'scrittura' in Jacques Derrida" Lingua e stile ll (1976) l.
  • MEGILL, A.: Prophets of Extremity. Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1985.
  • MEHLMAN, J.: "Orphé scripteur. Blanchot, Rilke, Derrida" en Poétique 20 (1974).
  • MEHLMAN, J.: Revolution and Repetition. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1979.
  • MELVILLE, S.: Philosophy Beside Itself: on Deconstruction and Modernism. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1986.
  • MERLIN, F.: "Derrida ou la philosophie éclats" Les nouvelles littéraires 2415 (7-13 Janvier 1974).
  • MERLIN, F.: "Pour qui sonne le glas" Les nouvelles littéraires 246l (26 Nov.
  • l Déc. 1974).
  • MESCHONNIC, H.: "L'écriture de Derrida" Cahiers du Chemin 24 (15 Avril 1975).
  • MESCHONNIC, H.: Le signe et le poème. Paris, Gallimard, 1975.
  • MIERS, "Avertissement: Fourfold Vortex Formulations of Différance in Derridean Cryptograms" Modern Language Notes 92 (1977) 5.
  • MILLER, J.H.: "Deconstructing the Deconstructors" Diacritics 5 (1975) 2.
  • MILLER, J.H.: "Tradition and Difference" Diacritics 2 (1972) 4.
  • MIN HA THI TRINH: "Un art sans oeuvre ou l'anonymat dans les arts contemporains (Artaud, Derrida, Tzara)" Dissertation Abstracts International 38 (1977-78).
  • MOHANTY: "On Husserl's Theory of Meaning" South-Western Journal of Philosophy 5 (Fall 1974).
  • MOTTRAM, E.: "No Centre to hold: a Commentary on Derrida" en Curtains 14-17 (1976).
  • MULLIGAN, K.: "Inscriptions and speaking's Place: Derrida and Wittgenstein" The Oxford Literary Review 8 (1978).
  • NANCY, J.L.: L'impératif catégorique. Paris, Flammarion, 1983.
  • NANCY, J.L.: "Larvatus Pro Deo", Glyph 2 (1977).
  • NANCY, J.L.: Le partage des voix. Paris, Galilée, 1982.
  • NOEVER, P. (ed.): Architecture in transition: between deconstruction and new modernism. Munich, Prestel, 1991.
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