Selected Bibliography of

J. Hillis Miller

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Charles Dickens: The World of His Novels (Harvard University Press, 1958); also in Midland Book paperback (Indiana University Press, 1969).

With George Ford, Edgar Johnson, Sylvere Monod, and Noel Peyrouton, Dickens Criticism: Past, Present, and Future Directions (The Charles Dickens Research Center, 1962).

The Disappearance of God: Five Nineteenth-Century Writers (Harvard University Press, 1963); also in Schocken Books paperback, 1965).

Poets of Reality: Six Twentieth-Century Writers (Harvard University Press, 1965); also in Athenaeum paperback, 1969.

The Form of Victorian Fiction, The Ward-Phillips lectures for 1967 (Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1968); 2nd ed., with a new Preface (Cleveland: Arete Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1979).

Thomas Hardy: Distance and Desire (Harvard University Press, 1970).

Fiction and Repetition: Seven English Novels (Harvard University Press, 1982). Also in Japanese translation (rights arranged with Harvard University Press through Tuttle-Mori Agency: 1991).

The Linguistic Moment (Princeton University Press, 1985); paperback edition 1987.

The Ethics of Reading (Columbia University Press, 1986); paperback edition 1989; Italian translation by Vita Fortunati and Giovanna Franci, L'etica della lettura (Modena: Mucchi editore, 1989). A Ética da Leitura (Rio de Janeiro; Imago Editora, 1995); Portuguese translation by Eliane Fittipaldi and Kàtia Orberg.

Versions of Pygmalion (Harvard University Press, 1990).

Victorian Subjects (Hertfordshire: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990).

Tropes, Parables, Performatives (Hertfordshire: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990).

Theory Now and Then (Hertfordshire: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990).

Hawthorne and History (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991).

Ariadne's Thread (Yale University Press, 1992).

Illustration (London: Reaktion Books, 1992, and Harvard University Press, 1992). - German translation by Monika Reif-Hülser, Illustration (Konstanz: Konstanzer Bibliothek, 1993); Japanese translation by Ozaki Akihiro and Kato Masayuki (Illustration, 1996).

New Starts: Performative Topographies in Literature and Criticism (Taipei: The Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 1993; also trans. into Chinese).

Topographies (Stanford University Press, 1994).


Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist, with an "Introduction" (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1962).

Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend, with an "Afterword" (New American Library, 1964).

With Roy Harvey Pearce, The Act of the Mind; Essays on the Poetry of Wallace Stevens (Johns Hopkins Press, 1965).

William Carlos Williams: A Collection of Critical Essays, with an "Introduction," Twentieth Century Views series (Prentice-Hall, 1966).

Charles Dickens, Bleak House, ed. Norman Page, with an "Introduction" (Penguin Books, 1971).

Aspects of Narrative, Selected papers from the English Institute with a foreword (Columbia University Press, 1971).

With Edward Mendelson, Thomas Hardy, The Well-Beloved, The New Wessex Edition (London: Macmillan, 1975).


"D. H. Lawrence: The Fox and the Perspective Glass," The Harvard Advocate, CXXXVII (December 1952), 14-16, 26-28.

"The Creation of the Self in Gerard Manley Hopkins," ELH XXII (1955), 293-319.

"Franz Kafka and the Metaphysics of Alienation," The Tragic Vision and the Christian Faith, ed. N.A. Scott, Jr. (Association Press, 1957), 281-305.

"The Anonymous Walkers," The Nation, CXC (1960), 351-354.

" 'Orion' in the 'Wreck of the Deutschland,' " Modern Language Notes, LXXVI (1961), 509-514.

"The Theme of the Disappearance of God in Victorian Poetry," Victorian Studies (March 1963), 207-227.

"The Literary Criticism of Georges Poulet," Modern Language Notes, LXXVIII (December 1963), 471-488; also in The Quest for Imagination, ed. O. B. Hardison, Jr. (The Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1971), 191-205.

"Wallace Stevens' Poetry of Being," ELH, XXXI (March 1964), 86-105.

"Some Implications of Form in Victorian Fiction," Comparative Literature Studies, III, 2 (1966), 109-118; also in Mansions of the Spirit; Essays in Religion and Literature, ed. G. A. Panichas (NY: Hawthorn Books, 1964), 200-212.

"The Antitheses of Criticism: Reflections on the Yale Colloquium," Modern Language Notes, LXXXI, 5 (1966), 557-571.

"The Geneva School: The Criticism of Marcel Raymond, Albert Beguin, Georges Poulet, Jean Rousset, Jean-Pierre Richard, and Jean Starobinski," The Critical Quarterly, VIII, 4 (Winter 1966), 302-321; also in The Virginia Quarterly Review, XLIII, 3 (Summer 1967), 465-88; in Spanish, in Asomante, XXIV (Abril-Junio 1968), 7-23, and in Modern French Criticism, ed. J. K. Simon (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972), 277-310.

"Charles Dickens," New Catholic Encyclopedia, IV (McGraw-Hill, 1967), 856-57.

"Literature and Religion," Relations of Literary Study: Essays on Interdisciplinary Contributions, ed. James Thorpe (New York: MLA, 1967),111-126; trans. into German in Interdisziplinare Pespektiven der Literature (Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1977), 132-150, also in Religion and Modern Literature: Essays in Theory and Criticism, ed. G. B. Tennyson and Edward E. Ericson, Jr. (William B. Eardmans Publishing Company, 1975), 31-45.

"Thomas Hardy: A Sketch for a Portrait," De Ronsard à Breton: Hommages à Marcel Raymond (Paris: Corti, 1967), 195-206.

"Three Problems of Fictional Form: First Person Narration in David Copperfield and Huckleberry Finn," Experience in the Novel, ed. R.H. Pearce, English Institute Essays for 1967 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968), 21-48.

"William Carlos Williams: The Doctor as Poet," Plexus, III, 4 (June, 1968), 19-20.

"'Wessex Heights': The Persistance of the Past in Hardy's Poetry," The Critical Quarterly, X, 4 (Winter 1968), 338-339; also in an expanded version as "History as Repetition in Thomas Hardy's Poetry: The Example of 'Wessex Heights,'" Victorian Poetry, Stratford-upon-Avon Studies, ed. M. Bradbury and D. Palmer (Edward Arnold, 1972), 222-253.

"I'd Have My Life Unbe: la ricerca dell'oblio nell'opera di Thomas Hardy," trans. into Italian, Strumenti Critici, 9 (1969), 263-285.

"Williams' Spring and All and the Progress of Poetry," Daedalus, 99 (1970), 405-434.

"Geneva or Paris? The Recent Work of Georges Poulet," University of Toronto Quarterly, 39 (1970), 212-228.

"Virginia Woolf's All Souls' Day: The Omniscient Narrator in Mrs. Dalloway," The Shaken Realist: Essays in Modern Literature in Honor of Frederick J. Hoffman, ed. Melvin J. Friedman and John B. Vickery (Louisiana State University Press, 1970), 100-127.

"The Sources of Dickens's Comic Art: From American Notes to Martin Chuzzlewit, Nineteenth-Century Fiction, XXIV, 4 (March 1970), 467-476.

"The Interpretation of Lord Jim," The Interpretation of Narrative: Theory and Practice, ed. M.W. Bloomfield, Harvard English Studies, 1 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970), 211-228.

"Georges Poulet's 'Criticism of Identification,'" The Quest for Imagination, ed. O.B. Hardison, Jr. (The Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1971), 191-224.

"The Fiction of Realism: Sketches by Boz, Oliver Twist, and Cruikshank's Illustrations," Charles Dickens and George Cruikshank (William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1971), 1-69; Also in Dickens' Centennial Essays, ed. Ada Nisbet and Blake Nevius (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1971), 85-153.

"The Still Heart: Poetic Form in Wordsworth," New Literary History, 2 (Winter 1971), 297-310.

"Tradition and Difference," diacritics, II, 4 (Winter 1972), 6-13.

"The Stone and the Shell: Wordsworth's Dream of the Arab," Moments premiers (Paris: Corti, 1973).

"Narrative and History," ELH, 41, 3 (Fall 1974), 455-473.

"Deconstructing the Deconstructers," diacritics (Summer 1975), 24-31.

"Optic and Semiotic in Middlemarch," The Worlds of Victorian Fiction, ed. Jerome H. Buckley, Harvard English Studies, 6 (Cambridge, Mass. and London, England: Harvard University Press, 1975), 125-145.

"Fiction and Repetition: Tess of the d'Urbervilles," Forms of Modern British Fiction, ed. Allen Warren Friedman (Austin and London: University Press, 1975), pp.43-71.

"Myth as 'Heiroglyph' in Ruskin," Studies in the Literary Imagination, VIII, 2 (Fall 1975), 15-18.

"The Year's Books: Literary Criticism," The New Republic (November 29, 1975), 30-33.

"Stevens' Rock and Criticism as Cure," Georgia Review, 30 (1976), 5-31, also in Wallace Stevens, Modern Critical Views, ed. Harold Bloom (New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985), 75-95.

"Ariadne's Thread: Repetition and the Narrative Line," Critical Inquiry, III, 1 (Autumn 1976), 57-77; also in Interpretation of Narrative, ed. Mario J. Valdes and Owen J. Miller (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1978), 148-166.

"Beginning with a Text," review article on E. W. Said's Beginnings, diacritics, VI, 3 (Fall 1976), 2-7.

"Walter Pater: A Partial Portrait, " Daedalus, CV 1 (Winter 1976), 97-113.

"The Linguistic Moment in 'The Wreck of the Deutschland,'" The New Criticism and After, ed. T. D. Young (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1976), 47-60.

"Ariachne's Broken Woof," The Georgia Review, XXXI, 1 (Spring 1977), 44-60.

"The Critic as Host," Critical Inquiry, III, 3 (Spring 1977), 439-447, also in Deconstruction and Criticism (New York: The Seabury Press, 1979), 217-253.

"Nature and the Linguistic Moment," Nature and the Victorian Imagination, ed. U.C. Knoepflmacher and G.B. Tennyson (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1977), 440-451.

"The Problematic of Ending in Narrative," Nineteenth Century Fiction, XXXIII, 1 (June 1978), 3-7.

"Narrative Middles: A Preliminary Outline," Genre, XI (Fall 1978), 375-387.

"On Edge: The Crossways of Contemporary Criticism," Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, XXXII, 4 (January 1979), 13-32, also Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism, ed. Morris Eaves and Michael Fischer (Cornell University Press, 1986), 96-126.

"Theology and Logology in Victorian Literature," Journal of the American Academy of Religion, XLVII/2 Supplement (June 1979), 345-361, also in American Critics at Work: Examinations of Contemporary Literary Theories, ed. Victor A. Kamer (Whitson Publishing Co., 1984), 193-209.

"The Function of Rhetorical Study at the Present Time," The State of the Discipline: 1970s-1980s, a special issue of the ADE Bulletin, No. 62 (September-November 1979), 10-18, also in Teaching Literature, What Is Needed Now, ed. James Engell and David Perkins, Harvard English Studies, 15 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988), 87-109.

"Beguin, Balzac, Trollope et la Double Analogie Roudoublée," trans.into French by Georges Poulet, Albert Beguin et Marcel Raymond, Colloque de Cartigny (Paris: Corti, 1979), 135-154.

"A 'Buchstabliches' Reading of The Elective Affinities," Glyph, 6 (1979), 1-23.

"Kenneth Burke," International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences: Biographical Supplement, ed. David L. Sills, XVIII (New York: The Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan, 1979), 78-81.

"Theoretical and Atheoretical in Stevens," Wallace Stevens: A Celebration, ed. Frank Doggett and Robert Buttel (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980), 274-285.

"The Figure in the Carpet," Poetics Today, I, 3 (Spring 1980), 107-118.

"Wuthering Heights and the Ellipses of Interpretation," Notre Dame English Journal, XII, 2 (April 1980), 85-100.

Review of Ian Watt, Conrad in the Nineteenth Century, Book World, The Washington Post (April 6, 1980), 1, 8.

"Theory and Practice: Response to Vincent Leitch," Critical Inquiry, VI, 4 (Summer 1980), 609-614.

"The Rewording Shell: Natural Image and Symbolic Emblem in Yeats's Early Poetry," Poetic Knowledge: Circumference and Center, ed. Roland Hagenbuchle and Joseph T. Swann (Bonn: Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grundmann, 1980), 75-86.

"Middlemarch, Chapter 85," Nineteenth-Century Fiction, XXXV, No. 3 (December 1980), 441-448.

"A Guest in the House: Reply to Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan's Reply," Poetics Today, II, No. 1B (Winter 1980/81), 189-91.

"The Disarticulation of the Self in Nietzsche," The Monist, LXIV, No. 2 (April 1981), 247-261.

"Character in the Novel: A Real Illusion," From Smollett to James: Studies in the Novel and Other Essays Presented to Edgar Johnson, ed. Samuel I. Mintz, Alice Chandler, and Christopher Mulvey (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1981), 277-285.

"Topography in The Return of the Native," Essays in Literature, VIII, 2 (Fall 1981), 119-134.

"The Ethics of Reading: Vast Gaps and Parting Hours," American Criticism in the Postructuralist Age, ed. Ira Konigsberg, Michigan Studies in the Humanities (1981), 19-41.

"The Two Allegories," Allegory, Myth, and Symbol, ed. Morton W. Bloomfield, Harvard English Studies, 9 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981), 355-370.

"Introduction" to Anthony Trollope, Cousin Henry, I (New York: Arno Press, 1981), [v-xiii].

"Introduction" to Anthony Trollope, Lady Anna, I (New York: Arno Press, 1981), [v-xiv].

"Dismembering and Disremembering in Nietzsche's 'On Truth and Lies in a Normal Sense,'" Boundary 2, IX, 3 and X, 1 (Spring/Fall 1981), 41-54. Repr. in Why Nietzsche Now?, ed. Daniel O'Hara (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985), 41-54.

Review of Justus George Lawler, Celestial Pantomime, Commonweal (October 23, 1981), 601-604.

"Trollope's Thackeray," Nineteenth-Century Fiction, (University of California Press, 1982), 350-357.

Review of Giles Gunn, The Interpretation of Otherness, The Journal of Religion, LXII, 3 (July 1982), 299-304.

"From Narrative Theory to Joyce; From Joyce to Narrative Theory," The Seventh of Joyce, ed. Bernard Benstock (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, Sussex: The Harvester Press, 1982), 3-4.

"Parable and Performative in the Gospels and in Modern Literature," Humanizing America's Iconic Book, ed. Gene M. Tucker and Douglas A. Knight (Chico: Scholar's Press, 1982), 57-71.

"Composition and Decomposition: Deconstruction and the Teaching of Writing," Composition and Literature, ed. Winifred B. Horner (University of Chicago Press, 1983), 38-56.

"'Herself Against Herself': The Clarification of Clara Middleton," The Representation of Women in Fiction, ed. Carolyn G. Heibrun and Margaret R. Hogonnet, (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983),98-123.

"The Two Relativisms: Point of View and Indeterminacy in the Novel Absalom, Absalom!," Relativism in the Arts, ed. Betty Jean Craige (Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1983), 148-170.

"Mr. Carmichael and Lily Briscoe: The Rhythm of Creativity in To the Lighthouse," Modernism Reconsidered, ed. Robert Kiely (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983), 167-189.

"Stevens' Rock and Criticism as Cure," trans.into Chinese by William K. Wimsatt, Chung-wai Literary Monthly, 13:6 (November 1984), 68-93.

"The Search for Grounds in Literary Study," Genre (Spring/Summer, 1984), 75-97, also in Rhetoric and Form: Deconstruction at Yale, ed. Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985), 19-36.

"Introduction" to Robert Moynihan "Interview with Paul de Man," The Yale Review (Summer 1984), 576-602.

"Constructions in Criticism," Boundary 2, ed. William V. Spanos, XII, 3/XIII, 1 (Spring/Fall 1984), 157-172.

"Thomas Hardy, Jacques Derrida, and the 'Dislocation of Souls,'" in Joseph H. Smith and William Kerrigan, eds., Taking Chances: Derrida, Psychoanalysis and Literature (Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984), 135-145, trans. into French: "Thomas Hardy, Jacques Derrida, et la dislocation des ames," Confrontation, Cahiers 19 (Printemps 1988), 155-166.

"Heart of Darkness Revisited," in Ross C. Murfin, ed., Conrad Revisited: Essays for the Eighties (University: University of Alabama Press, 1985), 31-50; also in Ross C. Murfin, ed., Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness, A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism (New York: Bedford Books, 1989), 209-224.

"Topography and Tropography in Thomas Hardy's In Front of the Landscape," Identity of the Literary Text, ed. Mario J. Valdés and Owen Miller (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1985), 73-91.

"Impossible Metaphor: Stevens's 'The Red Fern' as Example," The Lesson of Paul de Man, ed. Peter Brooks, Shoshana Felman, and J. Hillis Miller, Yale French Studies, 69 (1985), 150-162.

"The Two Rhetorics: George Eliot's Bestiary," Writing and Reading Differently: Deconstruction and the Teaching of Composition and Literature, ed. G. Douglas Atkins and Michael L. Johnson (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1985), 101-114.

Translations into Spanish: "La Señora Dalloway: La repetición como resurrección de los muertos," "La Desconstruccion: Los criticos de Yale," Comision Fulbright, Montevideo, Uruguay (Diciembre 1985), 13-21, from Fiction and Repetition, 176-202.

"Walter Pater: A Partial Portrait," Walter Pater, Modern Critical Views, ed. Harold Bloom (New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985), 75-95.

"Gleichnis in Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra," International Studies in Philosophy, XVII, 2 (1985), 3-15.

"The Critic as Host," Critical Theory Since 1965, eds. Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle (Florida: Florida State University Press, 1986), 452-468.

"When Is a Primitive Like an Orb?," Textual Analysis: Some Readers Reading, ed. Mary Ann Caws (New York: MLA, 1986), 167-181.

"How Deconstruction Works," The New York Times Magazine, Feb. 9, 1986, 25.

"President's Column," MLA Newsletter:
  "Responsibility and the Joy of Reading," (Spring 1986), 2.
  "Responsibility and the Joy (?) of Teaching," (Summer 1986), 2.
  "The Obligation to Write," (Fall 1986), 4-5.
  "The Future for the Study of Languages and Literatures," (Winter 1986), 3-4.

"Is There an Ethics of Reading?," a lecture delivered at the 58th general meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan (Tokyo, Japan: English Literary Society, 1986), 2-25, also in Reading Narrative, ed. James Phelan (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1989), 79-102.

"Catachresis, Prosopopoeia, and the Pathetic Fallacy: The Rhetoric of Ruskin," Poetry and Epistemology, eds. Roland Hagenbüchle and Laura Skandera (Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 1986), 398-407.

"La Figure en 'La Muerte y la Brújula' de Borges: Red Scharlach como Hermeneuta," trans. into Spanish by María Inés Segundo, La Descontruccion, coordinated by Lisa Block de Behar, Diseminario (Montevideo, Uruguay: XYZ Editores, 1987), 163-173.

"Lectura de Escritura: George Eliot," trans. into Spanish by Laura Flores, La Descontruccion, 175-196.

"¿Existe una Etica de la Lectura?," trans. into Spanish by Raquel García de Sanjurjo, La Descontruccion, 197-226.

"Figure in Borges's 'Death and the Compass': Red Scharlach as Hermeneut," Dieciocho, X, 1 (Spring 1987), 53 -61.

"The Imperative to Teach," Qui Parle, I, 2 (Spring 1987), 1-7.

"Presidential Address 1986. The Triumph of Theory, the Resistance to Reading, and the Question of the Material Base," PMLA (May 1987), 281-291.

"The Ethics of Reading," Style, XXI, 2 (Summer 1987), 181-191.

"Deconstruction in Japan? A Letter to Professor Taketoshi Furomoto," Japanese translation in Kobe, Japan newspaper (February, 1987).

"Topography and Tropography in Thomas Hardy's 'In Front of the Landscape'," Post-Structuralist Readings of English Poetry, eds. Richard Machin and Christopher Norris (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 332-348.

"El Crítico como huésped, J. Hillis Miller," trans. into Spanish Bárbara Trotsko y Manuel Alcides Jofré, Para leer al lector, eds. Manuel Alcides Jofré and Monica Blanco (Santiago: Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación), 223-255.

"The Profession of English: An Exchange," J. Hillis Miller and D. A. Miller, ADE Bulletin (Winter 1987), 41-58.

"L'Apocalisse Non è Mai Ora," trans. into Italian by Liliana Cioppettini, In Forma Di Parole (Ottobre, Novembre, Dicembre, 1987), 25-36.

" El kritikus mint házigazda," trans. into Hungarian by Zsélyi Ferenc, Filozófiai Figyelö, IX, 3-4 (1987), 101-127

"Wallace Stevens," Critical Essays on Wallace Stevens, ed. Steven Gould Axelrod and Helen Deese (Boston, Mass: G.K. Hall & Co., 1988 ), 77-83.

"William Carlos Williams and Wallace Stevens," Columbia Literary History of the United States, ed. Emory Elliott (New York: Columbia University Press, 1988), 972-992.

"Humanistic Research," ACLS Occasional Paper, 6 (April 15, 1988), 25-30.

"Paul de Man's Wartime Writings," TLS, June 17-23, 1988, 676, 685.

"Reply to Eugene Goodheart," PMLA (October, 1988), 820-821.

"Do Things Fit What We Imagine," trans. Ho Bai Hua, Reports on Foreign Literature, 2 (Published in People's Republic of China, 1988), 33-37.

"Literature and History: The Example of Hawthorne's 'The Minister's Black Veil,'" The Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, XLI (February 1988), 15-31.

"'Hieroglyphical Truth' in Sartor Resartus: Carlyle and the Language of Parable," Victorian Perspectives, ed. John Clubbe and Jerome Meckier (London: MacMillan Press, 1989), 1-20.

"'Reading' Part of a Paragraph of Allegories of Reading," Reading de Man Reading, ed. Lindsay Waters and Wlad Godzich (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989), 155-170.

"The Function of Literary Theory at the Present Time," The Future of Literary Theory, ed. Ralph Cohen (New York & London: Routledge, 1989), 102-111.

"Prosopopeia and Praeterita," Nineteenth-Century Lives, ed. Laurence Lockridge, John Maynard, and Donald Stone (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), 125-139.

"An Open Letter to Professor Jon Wiener," Responses - On Paul de Man's Wartime Journalism, (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1989), 334-342.

"Prosopopoeia in Hardy and Stevens," Alternative Hardy, ed. Lance St. John Butler (London: MacMillan Press, 1989), 110-127.

"Praeterita and the Pathetic Fallacy," Victorian Connections, ed. Jerome McGann, (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1989), 172-178.

"Face to Face: Plato's Protagoras as a Model for Collective Research in the Humanities," The States of "Theory", ed. David Carroll (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990; republished by Stanford University Press, 1994), 281-295.

"Narrative," Critical Terms for Literary Study, ed. Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1990), 66-79.

"Defending Deconstruction," Wilson Quarterly (Summer 1990), 143.

"Literatur und Illustration," trans. into German by Martin Heusser, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, (August, 1990), 66.

"Translating the Untranslatable," Goethe Yearbook, Volume 5, ed. Thomas Saine (Columbia [South Carolina]: Camden House, 1990), 269-278.

"Laying Down the Law in Literature: The Example of Kleist," Deconstruction and the Possibility of Justice, Cardozo Law Review 11:5-6 (July/August 1990), 1491-1514.

"Quando Un Privitivo E Como Un Orbe," Spanish trans., Trends in Contemporary American Criticism, Ilha Do Desterro 22 (2nd Semester, 1989), 72-99.

"Teaching Middlemarch: Close Reading and Theory," Approaches to Teaching Eliot's Middlemarch, ed. Kathleen Blake (New York: Modern Language Association, 1990), 51-63.

"Ottica e semiotica in Middlemarch di G. Eliot," trans. into Italian by Marta Garulli, Il Lettore di provincia, XXII, 78 (settembre 1990), 41-52.

"Naming and Doing: Speech Acts in Hopkins's Poems," Religion & Literature, 22.2-3 (Summer-Autumn 1990), 173-191.

"Wuthering Heights," part of that chapter from Fiction and Repetition, trans. into Chinese by Wang Hong-to, Shanghai Literary Theory (1990), 73-80.

"El crítico como anfitrión," trans. into Spanish by Maria José Gimeno and Manuel Asensi, Teoría literaria y deconstrucción, ed. Manuel Asensi (Madrid: Arco/Libros, 1990), 157-170.

"Stevens, from The Linguistic Moment," Criticism, ed. Charles Kaplan and William Anderson (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991), 738-762.

"The Role of Theory in the Development of Literary Studies in the United States," Divided Knowledge, ed. David Easton and Corinne Schelling (Newbury Park: 1991), 118-137.

"Preserving the Literary Heritage," Commission on Preservation & Access Report (July 1991) 1-7.

"Foreword: Border Crossings," trans. into Chinese by Shan Te-Hsing, Chung-Wai Literary Monthly, 20, 4 (Sept. 1991), 4-9.
"Two Forms of Repetition," trans. Wang Hong-Tu, 28-51.

"Temporal Topographies: Tennyson's Tears," Chinese translation, EurAmerica, 21, 3 (September, 1991), 29-45.

"Border Crossings: Translating Theory," Chinese translation, EurAmerica, 21 4 (December, 1991), 27-51.

"Deconstruction and Cultural Criticism," Cardozo Law Review, 13:4 (December 1991), 1255-1261.

"Literary Theory, Telecommunications, and the Making of History," Scholarship and Technology in the Humanities, ed. May Katzen (London: British Library, 1991), 11-20.

"The Mirror's Secret: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Double Work of Art," Victorian Poetry, 29, 4 (Winter, 1991), 333-349.

"Cultural Criticism in the Age of Digital Reproduction," Genre XXIV, 4 (Winter, 1991),435-459.

"Wuthering Heights: Repetition and the Uncanny," Wuthering Heights, ed. Linda Peterson (Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1992), 371-384.

"Translation as the Double Production of Texts," Text and Context: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives on Language Study, ed. Claire Kramsch and Sally McConnell-Ginet (Lexington, Mass: D. C. Heath and Company, 1992), 124-134.

"Deconstruction Now? The States of Deconstruction or Thinking without Synecdoche," Afterwords, ed. Nicholas Royle (Tampere, Finland: Outside Books, 1992), 7-18.

"Interlude as Anastomosis in Die Wahlverwandtschaften" Goethe Yearbook, Volume 6, ed. Thomas Saine (Columbia [South Carolina]: Camden House, 1992), 115-122.

"Theory and Translation in Comparative Literature," Bologna: La Cultura Italiana e Le Letterature Straniere Moderne, Volume II, ed. Vita Fortunati (Bologna, Italy: Longo Editore Ravenna, 1992), 31-41.

"Literature and Value: American and Soviet Views," Profession 92 (MLA, 1992), 21-27.

"Temporal Topographies: Tennyson's Tears," Victorian Poetry, 30, 3-4 (Autumn-Winter, 1992), 277-289.

"Responses," The Yale Journal of Criticism, 5, 2 (Spring 1992), 182-7.

"Border Crossings: Translating Theory," trans. into Chinese by Shan Te-hsing, Con-Temporary Monthly 75 (July 1992), 28-47.

"Performative Realism: Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!," EurAmerica, 22, 3 (September 1992), 1-21.

"Thinking Like Other People," Wild Orchids and Trotsky, ed. Mark Edmundson, (New York, NY: Penguin Books, 1993), 289-305.

"Nietzsche in Basel: Writing Reading," Journal of Advanced Composition, 13, 2 (Fall, 1993), 311-328.

"Introduction," to Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992), vii-xxi

"Is Literary Theory a Science?," Realism and Representation, ed. George Levine, (Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1993), 155-168

"Cruce de Fronteras: Traduciendo Teoría," trans. into Spanish by Mabel Richart, Cuadernos Teóricos, 4 (May 1993), 7-67.

"Image and Word in Turner," Word & Image Interactions, ed. Martin Heusser, (Basel, Switzerland: Wiese Verlag, 1993), 173-189.

"Temporal Topographies: Tennyson's Tears," trans. into Chinese by Chen Tung-jung, ChungWai Literary Monthly, 22, 1 (Sept. 1993), 122-138.

"Mrs. Dalloway: Repetition as Raising of the Dead," New Casebooks, Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse, ed. Sue Reid, (London: Macmillan Press, 1993), 45-56.

"Is Deconstruction an Aestheticism?," Nineteenth-Century Prose, 20, 2 (Fall 1993), 23-41.

"A Response to Jonathan Loesberg," Victorian Studies, 37, 1 (Autumn 1993), 123-128.

"The Genres of A Christmas Carol," The Dickensian, 89, 431 (Winter 1993), 193-206.

"Yale Si Irvine: Momente Ale Deconstructiei Americane,"[from Versions of Pygmalion], trans. into Romanian by Florin Berindeanu, Viata Romaneasca, LXXXVIII, 6-7 (June-July, 1993), 118-127.

"The Search for Grounds in Literary Study," Contemporary Literary Criticism, eds. Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer, (New York: Longman Publishing, 1993), 109-121.

"Border Crossings: Translating Theory," Haritham, I, 2 (1993), 105-125.

"Border Crossings: Translating Theory," Selected Essays of the Third Conference on American Literature and Thought: The Literary Section, ed. Shan Te-hsing, (Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 1993), 1-27.

"Shelley's 'The Triumph of Life'," Shelley, ed. Michael O'Neill, Longman Critical Readers (London: Longman Group UK Limited, 1993), 218-240.

"Derrida's Topographies," South Atlantic Review, 59, 1 (January 1994), 1-25.

"The Role of Theory in the Development of Literary Studies in the United States," trans. Fengzhen Wang, Divided Knowledge (Beijing: Social Sciences Document Press, 1994), 85-107.

"Beginning From the Ground Up," Critical Architecture and Contemporary Culture, ed. William J. Lillyman, Marilyn F. Moriarty, David J. Neuman, (New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994), 13-19.

"Pater, Walter," The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism, eds. Michael Groden and Martin Kreiswirth, (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994), 556-558.

"The Ethics of Topography: Wallace Stevens's 'The Idea of Order at Key West,'" trans. Su-ying Lin, 22, 8 Chung Wai Literary Monthly, (January 1994), 74-105.

"Nietzsche in Basel: Writing Reading," Composition Theory for the Postmodern Classroom, eds. Gary A. Olson and Sidney I. Dobrin, (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994), 277-294.

"Return, Dissenter," TLS, July 15, 1994, 10.

"Les topographies de Derrida," trans. into French by Marie-Pierre Baggett, Le passage des frontières, Colloque de Cerisy, (Paris: Galilée, 1994), 193-201.

"A dekonstruktorok dekonstruálása," trans. into Hungarian by Szarka Attila, Helikon, 1-2 (1994), 77-90.

"Border Crossings," trans. into Korean by Gyung-ryul Jang, Contemporary Criticism and Theory, 8 (1994), 252-279.

"Literary Study in the University Without Idea," Proceedings of the 1994 ELLAK International Symposium, English Studies in Korea: Retrospect and Prospect, (The English Language and Literature Association of Korea, 1994), 283-302.

"Foreword,", The Critical Double: Figurative Meaning in Aesthetic Discourse , Paul Gordon (Tuscaloosa and London: University of Alabama Press, 1995), ix-xx.

"William Carlos Williams," Critical Essays on William Carlos Williams, eds. Steven Gould Axelrod and Helen Deese, (New York: G. K. Hall & Co., 1995), 92-102.

"The Disputed Ground: Deconstruction and Literary Studies," Deconstruction is/in America, ed. Anselm Haverkamp (New York: New York University Press, 1995), 79-86.

"Sam Weller's Valentine," Literature in the Marketplace: Nineteenth-Century British Publishing and Reading Practices, ed. John O. Jordan & Robert Patten (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 93-122.

"Discorso presidenziale 1986. Il trionfo della teoria, la resistenza alla lettura e la questione della base materiale," trans. into Italian by Simonetta Mustari, Decostruzione e/è America, ed. Andrea Carosso, (Torino: Editrice Tirrenia Stampatori, 1995), 199-212.

"Border Crossings, Translating Theory: Ruth," EST XI: Grunnlagsproblemer I Estetisk Forskning, eds. Karin Gundersen & Stale Wikshaland, (Oslo: Norges forskningsad, 1995), 25-39.

"Ideology and Topography in Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!," Faulkner & Ideology, eds. Donald M. Kartiganer & Ann J. Abadie, (Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 1995), 253-276.

"Parabolic Exemplarity: The Example of Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra," Unruly Examples: On the Rhetoric of Exemplarity, ed. Alexander Gelley, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995), 162-174.

"Black Holes in the Internet Galaxy: New Trends in Literary Study in the United States, trans. into Chinese by Tung-jung Chen, Chung-wai Literary Monthly, 24, 1 (June 1995), 72-89.

"History, Narrative, and Responsibility: Speech Acts in Henry James's 'The Aspern Papers,'" Textual Practice, 9, 2 (Summer, 1995), 243-267.

"The University of Dissensus," The Oxford Literary Review, The University in Ruins, 17, 1-2 (1995), 121-143.

"Recent Developments in the Study of English and American Literature in the U.S., trans. into Chinese, Foreign Literature, 3 (1995), 3-9.

"The Roar on the Other Side of Silence," Edda, (3/95), 237-245.

"The 'Grafted' Image: James on Illustration," Henry James's New York Edition: The Construction of Authorship, ed. David McWhirter, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995), 138-141.

"What is the Future of the Print Record?," Profession 95, 33.

"Hypertekstens etik," trans. into Danish by Karen-Margrethe Simonsen, Passage, 20/21 (1995), 241-263.

"Il trionfo della teoria, la resistenza alla lettura et la questione della base materiale," trans. Paolo Prezzavente, Il neostoricismo, ed. V. Fortunati and G. Franci (Mucchi Editore, 1995), 251-288.

"Reply to Hans Hauge," Edda, (4/95), 355-7.

"The Ethics of Hypertext," Diacritics, 25, 3 (Fall 1995), 27-39.

"Picture This: J. Hillis Miller on W. J. T. Mitchell's Picture Theory, Artforum (January 1996), 18,99.

"The Other's Other: Jealousy and Art in Proust," Skrift, 16 (1/96), 52-67.

"Narrative," Critical Terms for Literary Study, Second Edition, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995), 66-79.

"Heart of Darkness Revisited," Conrad, Heart of Darkness, (Boston, NY: Bedford Books, 1996), 206-220.

"Governing the Ungovernable: Literary Study in the Transnational University," Between the Lines , II, 2 (Winter, 1995), 2-3.

"The Topography of Jealousy in Our Mutual Friend, Dickens Refigured: Bodies, Desires and Other Histories, ed. John Schad, (Manchester and New York: Manchester Press, 1996), 218-235.

"Border Crossings, Translating Theory: Ruth," The Translatability of Cultures, ed. Sanford Budick and Wolfgang Iser, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996), 207-223.

"Literary Study in the University without Idea," ADE Bulletin, 113 (Spring, 1996), 30-33.

"Black Holes in the Internet Galaxy: New Trends in Literary Study in the United States," Modern Literature and Literary Theory Revisited, ed. Francid K. H. So and Hsiao-yu Sun, (Kaohsiung: Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University, 1996), 17-41.

"Literary Study in the Age of Reproduction," Why Literature Matters: Theories and Functions of Literature, ed. Rüdiger Ahrens and Laurenz Volkmann, (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 1996), 297-310.

"'Le Mensonge, le Mensonge Parfait:' Theories of Lying in Proust and Derrida," Contretemps 2/3 (été-hiver 1997), 206-215; fr. as "'Le Mensonge, le Mensonge Parfait:' Théories du mensonge chez Proust et Derrida," trans. Yasmine Van den Wijngaert, revue par Changal Zabus et Cécile Hayez, Passions de la littérature ed. Michel Lisse (Paris: Galilée, 1996), 405-420.

"Just Reading Howard's End," Howard's End, ed. Alistair M. Duckworth (Boston, New York: St. Martin's Press1996), 467-482.

"Dickens's Bleak House," Charles Dickens, ed. Steven Connor (London and New York: Longman, 1996), 59-75.

"Miller contro Miller: una polemica," trans. Paolo Prezzavento, Studi de Estetica, 13 (I, 1996), 191-236.

"Literary Study in the Transnational University," Profession 1996 (1996), 6-14.

"Derrida's Others," Applying to Derrida, ed. John Brannigan, Ruth Robbins, and Julian Wolfreys (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996),153-170.

"Ideology in Trollope's Ayala's Angel," Journal of Literary Criticism , 8, 1(June, 1996), 1-6.

"The Roar on the Other Side of Silence: Otherness in Middlemarch", Rereading Texts/Rethinking Critical Presuppositions, ed. Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, Leona Toker, and Shuli Barzilai (Frankfurt am Maim: Peter Lang, 1997), 137-148.

"Los estudios literarios en la universidad transnacional," trans. Mabel Richart, Eutopías, 2. Epoca, 142 (1996), 1-23.

"Introduction," to Anthony Trollope, Marion Fay, (London: The Folio Society, 1997), xi-xvix.

"Sharing Secrets," Joseph Conrad, The Secret Sharer, ed. Daniel R. Schwarz (Boston and New York: Bedford Books, 1997), 232-252.

"Foreword," Publishing in Rhetoric and Composition, ed. Gary A. Olson and Todd W. Taylor (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997), xi-xv.

"English Literature in the United States Today," Fissions and Fusions, Vol. III, Proceedings of the First Conference of the Cape American Studies Association, ed. Loesley Marx, Loes Nas, and Lara Dunwell (Bellville: University of the Western Cape, January 1997), 4-20.

In Press:

"Literary and Cultural Studies in the Transnational University," forthcoming in Critical Theory Institute volume ed. by John Rowe, Columbia University Press.

"The Roar on the Other Side of Silence: Otherness in Middlemarch," forthcoming in Festschrift for H. M. Daleski.

"The Topography of Jealousy in Our Mutual Friend", forthcoming in volume by John Schad, Manchester Press.

"Sharing Secrets," forthcoming in volume ed. by Daniel Schwartz on Conrad's The Secret Sharer, St. Martin's Press.

"Just Reading Howard's End," forthcoming in volume ed. by Alistair Duckworth on Howard's End, St. Martin's Press.

"The Other's Other: Jealousy and Art in Proust," forthcoming in volume ed. by Richard Rand, The Johns Hopkins Press.


Leonard, George, "Hillis Miller Interview," Magazine, III (Summer 1987), 46-47.

Salusinszky, Imre, "J. Hillis Miller," Criticism in Society, (New York: Methuen, 1987), 208-240.

"Intervista a Joseph Hillis Miller," 2000 Incontri, II (agosto-settembre, 1988), 14-15.

Shan, Te-Hsing, "'A Form of Parabasis'" An Interview with J. Hillis Miller," 95-115.

Shan, Te-Hsing, "An Interview with J. Hillis Miller," Tamkang Review , XXI, 2 (Winter 1990), 203-222.

Shan, Te-hsing, "Illustrating Illustration: An Interview with J. Hillis Miller," Con-Temporary, (December, 1993), 49-71.

Olson, Gary A., ed," J. Hillis Miller," Philosophy, Rhetoric, Literary Criticism: (Inter)views, (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1994), 113-158.

"A Deconstructionist on Deconstruction: An Interview with J. Hillis Miller," (in Chinese) Foreign Literature, 3 (1995) 9-12.

Simonsen, Karen Margrethe, "Interview med J. Hillis Miller: Hypertekst og litteraturkritik," Passage, 20/21 (1995, 265-278.

MLA Conference, radio interview, WBEZ-FM Chicago, 12/30/95, 2:00 p.m, interviewed by Mark Aurigemma.

Fiorentino, Danielle and Scannavini, Anna, "Umanisti in rete: intervista con J. Hillis Miller," coma 8 (Summer, Autumn, 1996), 65-69.

Reviews and Discussions of J. Hillis Miller's Work:

Sanchez, Matilda, "Qué es leer, un tema de pelea sobre la escritura," Cultura section, Tiempo Argentino (Buenos Aires: January 5, 1986), 8.

Moynihan, Robert, "J. Hillis Miller," A Recent Imagining (Camden: The Shoestring Press, 1986), 97-131.

Wang, Fengzhen, "One of the Yale Four," Foreign Literature, 11 (Published in People's Republic of China, 1987), 80-84.

Ferenc, Zsélyi, "J. Hillis Miller tanulmányárol," Filozófiai Figyelö, IX, 3-4 (1987), 99-100.

Berman, Art, "Deconstruction in America," From the New Criticism to Deconstruction (Urbana and Chicago, U. of Illinois, 1988), 223-274.

Norris, Christopher, "Aesthetic Ideology and the Ethics of Reading: Miller and de Man," Paul de Man (New York & London, 1988), 102-124.

Wihl, Gary, "J. Hillis Miller, The Ethics of Reading," Textual Practice, II, 2 (Summer 1988), 295-306.

"Forum," PMLA, CIII, 5 (October, 1988), 819-821.

"J. Hillis Miller," Dictionary of Literary Biography, Modern American Critics Since 1955, ed. Gregory Jay (Detroit: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1988), 221-231.

"A Forceful Personality, J. Hillis Miller," Critiques of Today's Western Literature, (Published in People's Republic of China, 1988), 59-69.

Savolainen, Matti, "Fenomenologiasta dekonstruktioon kirjallisuudentutkijana: Paul de Man ja J. Hillis Miller," Kirjallisuudentukijain Seuran vuosikirja, 42 (SKS 1988), 161-185.

"J. Hillis Miller," from Dictionary of Literary Biography, Chinese tr. by Yang Ming-Chen, Chung-Wai Literary Monthly, 20:4 (Sept. 1991), 11-26.
  "J. Hillis Miller: Another Kind of Victorian," Chinese tr. by Chang Chin-Chang, Yu Hui-Chin, 53-74.
  Cheng, Ying-Hui, "Miller on Hardy," 76-85.
  Lee, Yu-Cheng, "The Politics of the Ethics of Reading," 86-94.

Dan, Shen, "On Certain Limitations of Stylistics as Seen in Contrast with the Analytical Models of David Lodge and J. Hillis Miller," Journal of Peking University, 91-97.

Berindeanu, Florin, "J. Hillis Miller: Deconstructia Inseamna Interpretare Adecvata," Viata Romaneasca LXXXVII, 10-11 (October-November 1992), 39-45.

Asensi, Manuel, "La Otra Filogogía: Paul de Man, J. Hillis Miller y la Lectura Lenta," Glosa, 3 (1992), 63-92.

Shan, Te-Hsing, "On J. Hillis Miller's concept of Cultural Criticism," Chung Wai Literary Monthly, 22:3 (Aug. 1993), 5-26.

"Miller, J. Hillis", Merriam Webster's Encylopedia of Literature, (Springfield, Mass: Merriam-Webster, 1995), 762.

Göbel, Walter, "Modelling J. Hillis Miller: Slippage of Identity or Continuity in Flux?," Anglistik, 6 (March 1995), 103-114.

Berindeanu, Florin, "J. Hillis Miller, Topographies," The Comparatist, XXI (May, 1997), 163-166.


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