Selected publications by

Geoffrey Bennington

compilation in progress

  1. Sententiousness and the Novel: Laying Down the Law in Eighteenth-Century French Fiction (Cambridge University Press, 1985)
  2. Lyotard: Writing the Event (Manchester University Press, 1988)
  3. Jacques Derrida (with Jacques Derrida) (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1991)
  4. Dudding: des noms de Rousseau (Paris: Editions Galilèe, 1991)
  5. Legislations: the Politics of Deconstruction (London: Verso, 1995)

    Chapters in Books

    1. 'Post', in Cross-References, ed. David Kelley and Isabelle Llasera (Society for French Studies, 1986), 65-73
    2. 'Demanding History' (see above, Post-Structuralism and the Question of History)
    3. 'The Perfect Cheat: Locke and Empiricism's Rhetoric', in Benjamin, Cantor and Christie, eds., The Figural and the Literal: Problems of Language in the History of Science and Philosophy (Manchester University Press, 1987), 103-23
    4. 'Aberrations: De Man (and) the Machine', in L. Waters and W. Godzich, eds., Reading De Man Reading (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989), 209-222
    5. 'Deconstruction and the Postmodern', in Papadakis, Cooke and Benjamin, eds, Deconstruction (London: Academy Editions, 1989)
    6. 'Towards a Criticism of the Future', in David Wood, ed., Writing the Future (London, Routledge, 1990), 17-29
    7. 'Postal Politics and the Institution of the Nation', in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration (London: Methuen, 1990), 121-37
    8. 'Not One' (with artwork by Douglas Allsop and G.R. Thomson), Blank Page 4 (London: B4 Publishing, 1990), unpaginated
    9. 'Spirit's Spirit Spirits Spirit', in David Wood, ed., Of Derrida, Heidegger and Spirit (University of Warwick occasional publication), unpaginated.
    10. '"Ces petits diffèrends...": Lyotard and Horace', in Andrew Benjamin, ed., Judging Lyotard (Routledge, 1992), 145-67
    11. 'Mosaïque: politiques et frontiéres de la dèconstruction', in Jean-Michel Rabatè and Michael Wetzel, eds., L'èthique du don (Paris: Mètailiè-Transition, 1992), 178-93
    12. 'Mosaic Fragment: If Derrida were an Egyptian...', in David Wood, ed., Derrida: A Critical Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), 97-119
    13. 'The Frontier: between Kant and Hegel', in Harry Kunneman and Hent de Vries, eds., Enlightenments: Encounters between Critical Theory and Contemporary French Thought (Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1993), 45-60
    14. 'Spirit's Spirit Spirits Spirit', in David Wood, ed., Of Derrida, Heidegger and Spirit (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1993), 82-92 (reprint of 7.9 above).
    15. 'La frontiére infranchissable', in M-L. Mallet, ed. Le passage des frontiéres (Paris: Galilèe, 1994), 69-81.
    16. 'Introduction to Economics I: Because the World is Round', in Carolyn Bailey Gill, ed. Bataille: Writing the Sacred (London: Routledge, 1995), 46-57.
    17. 'Lecture: de Georges Bataille', in Denis Hollier, ed. Georges Bataille aprés tout (Paris: Belin, 1995), 11-34.

      Academic Journal Articles

      1. 'From Narrative to Text: Love and Writing in Crèbillon fils, Duclos, Barthes', The Oxford Literary Review (hereinafter OLR), 4:1 (1979), 62-81
      2. 'Rèappropriations', Poètique, 48 (1981), 495-512
      3. 'Les Machines de l'Opèra: le jeu du signe dans le Spectateur français de Marivaux', French Studies, 36:2 (1982), 154-70
      4. 'Theory: They or We', Paragraph, 1 (1983)
      5. 'Sade: Laying Down the Law', OLR, 6:1 (1984), 38-56
      6. 'Lyotard: From Discourse and Figure to Experimentation and Event', Paragraph, 6 (1985), 19-27
      7. 'Complexity Without Contradiction in Architecture', AA Files, 15 (1987), 15-18
      8. 'Deconstruction is not what you think', Art and Design, Vol. 4, Nos 3-4 (1988), 6-7; reprinted in Papadakis, Cooke and Benjamin, eds, Deconstruction (London: Academy Editions, 1989)
      9. 'The Rationality of Postmodern Relativity', Journal of Philosophy and the Visual Arts, 'Philosophy and Architecture', 1990, 23-31
      10. 'Frontiers: two seminar sessions', The Oxford Literary Review, Vol. 14 (1992), 197- 227
      11. 'Plus que parfait', Le Contretemps, 1 (1995), 91-5
      12. 'Frontier', Paragraph, Volume 17, No. 3 (1995), 224-6
      13. 'Le Secret de Kant', forthcoming in Le Contretemps, 2 (1996)
      14. 'Membranes: a reading of Freud's metapsychology', Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, 3 (1994-5), 369-82

      Review Articles

      1. 'The Field and the Fence' (on Gèrard Genette, Introduction á l'architexte (Paris: Seuil, 1979)), OLR, 4:2 (1980), 82-8
      2. 'Reading Allegory' (on Paul de Man, Allegories of Reading (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1979)), OLR, 4:3 (1981), 83-93
      3. 'Not Yet' (on Fredric Jameson, The Political Unconscious (London: Methuen, 1981)), Diacritics, 12:3 (1982), 23-32
      4. 'Outside Story' (on Michael Ryan, Deconstruction and Marxism (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982)), LTP, 3 (1984), 117-28
      5. 'August: Double Justice' (on Jean-François Lyotard, Au Juste (Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1979)), Diacritics, 14:3 (1984), 64-71
      6. 'Deconstruction and the Philosophers' (on Rodolphe Gaschè, The Tain of the Mirror: Derrida and the Philosophy of Reflection (Cambridge, Mass.: University of Harvard Press, 1986); Irene E. Harvey, Derrida and the Economy of Diffèrance (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986); John Llewelyn, Derrida on the Threshold of Sense (London: Macmillan, 1986); and assorted publications on Derrida from the last ten years), OLR 10 (1988), 73-130.
      7. 'L'Arroseur arrosè(e)' (on Peter Dews, Logics of Disintegration (London: Verso, 1987), and Gillian Rose, Dialectic of Nihilism (Oxford: Blackwell, 1984), New Formations, 7 (1989), 35-49
      8. 'Outside Language' (on Vincent Descombes, Grammaire d'objets en tous genres (Paris: Minuit, 1983) and Proust (Paris: Minuit, 1987)), OLR, 11 (1989), 89-112
      9. 'Genuine Gaschè (Perhaps)' (on Rodolphe Gaschè, Inventions of Difference (Harvard University Press, 1994), IMPRIMATUR vol.1, 252-7

      Online Publications

      1. Interview with Seulemonde
      2. Dekonstruktion ist nicht was du denkst
      3. A dream about Habermas (ftp)
      4. A piece about Baudelaire and Barbara Johnson (ftp)
      • Books
        1. Jean-François Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition (University of Minnesota Press/Manchester University Press, 1984), translated in collaboration with Brian Massumi
        2. Jacques Derrida, The Truth in Painting (University of Chicago Press, 1987), translated in collaboration with Ian McLeod
        3. Jacques Derrida, Of Spirit: Heidegger and the Question (University of Chicago Press, 1989), translated in collaboration with Rachel Bowlby
        4. Daniel Ferrer, Virginia Woolf and the Madness of Language (London: Routledge, 1990), translated in collaboration with Rachel Bowlby
        5. Jean-François Lyotard, The Inhuman: Talks on Time (Cambridge: Polity Press,1991), translated in collaboration with Rachel Bowlby
        6. Geoffrey Bennington and Jacques Derrida, Jacques Derrida (University of Chicago Press, 1993)

      • Articles
        1. Michel Foucault, 'My Body, This Paper, This Fire' (with a translator's presentation), OLR, 4:1 (1979), 5-28
        2. Michel Foucault, 'The History of Sexuality: Interview', OLR, 4:2 (1980), 3-14
        3. Louis Marin, 'Montaigne's Tomb, or Autobiographical Discourse', OLR, 4:3 (1981), 43-58
        4. Jean-François Lyotard, 'Analyzing Speculative Discourse as Language-Game', OLR, 4:3 (1981), 59-67
        5. Roland Barthes, 'Textual Analysis of Poe's "Valdemar"', in Robert Young, ed., Untying the Text (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981)
        6. Daniel Ferrer, 'In Omnis Iam Vocabuli Mortem', OLR, 5:1-2 (1982), 21-36
        7. Jacques Derrida, 'Signsponge 2' (translated in collaboration with Richard Rand), OLR, 5:1-2 (1982), 96-101
        8. Jacques Derrida, 'Two Words for Joyce', in Derek Attridge and Daniel Ferrer, eds., Post- Structuralist Joyce (Cambridge University Press, 1984), 145-159
        9. Jean-François Lyotard, 'The Sign of History', in Post-Structuralism and the Question of History (see above), 162-80
        10. Jean-François Lyotard, 'Time Today', OLR, 11 (1989), 3-20 (translated in collaboration with Rachel Bowlby)
        11. Jean-François Lyotard, 'The Survivor' (unpublished lecture for delivery in the USA), 1989 (translated in collaboration with Rachel Bowlby)
        12. Jacques Derrida, 'Let us not Forget-Psychoanalysis', OLR, 12 (1990), 3-8 (translated in collaboration with Rachel Bowlby)
        13. René Major, 'Reason from the Unconscious', OLR, 12 (1990), 9-29 (translated in collaboration with Rachel Bowlby)
        14. Jacques Derrida with Derek Attridge, 'The Institution of Literature: an Interview with Jacques Derrida', in D. Attridge, ed., Acts of Literature (translated in collaboration with Rachel Bowlby)
        15. Jacques Derrida, 'Onto-Theology of National Humanism (Prolegomena to a Hypothesis)', OLR, 14 (1992), 3-23
        16. Jean-François Lyotard, 'Fait pictural', Journal of Philosophy and the Visual Arts, 5 (1995), 9-13

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